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This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

1970’s office complex achieves 5 star energy transformation

A seven-storey 1970s Brisbane office complex has achieved a 5-star NABERS Energy Base Building Rating following $1.23 million in energy…[Read More]

Testing of groundwater and soil vapour continues at former industrial site.

Further testing of groundwater and soil vapour near a former industrial site at Keswick will be undertaken this month. The…[Read More]

Additional draft emissions fund methods released

Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has released four new draft emission reduction methods for earning carbon credits.They cover household energy…[Read More]

10 million tonnes of emissions reduced from land sector activities

The Clean Energy Regulator has issued the 10 millionth Australian carbon credit unit (ACCU) under the Carbon Farming Initiative.This equates…[Read More]

Melbourne tests new model for renewable energy

The City of Melbourne has set up a group of large energy users interested in securing a long-term renewable energy…[Read More]

Latrobe air quality monitoring to continue

The Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) and the Latrobe City Council have signed a lease that ensures five EPA monitoring…[Read More]

NSW Gas Plan released

The NSW Government has announced the NSW Gas Plan to set a framework for the state’s gas industry into the…[Read More]

Coastal management reform

NSW Environment Minister Rob Stokes has announced far reaching reforms to coastal management in NSW, with current laws replaced by…[Read More]

Waste company fined for polluting local creek

A waste oil processing company at Rutherford, near Maitland has been fined $22,500 for polluting a neighbouring storm water drain…[Read More]

Environmental Impact Statement released for Santos gas field expansion

Queensland’s Co-ordinator General has released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed expansion of Santos GLNG’s gas field…[Read More]

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