Dangerous goods storage and handling

Proposed new drinking water guidelines has lower recommended value of PFAS

The NSW Government has welcomed the National Health and Medical Research Centre (NHMRC) release of proposed new drinking water guidelines for…[Read More]

Provisions for Transport of Explosive in ADG Code Supplementary Consultation Paper: Comment sought

The National Transport Commission has released the Provisions for the transport of explosives in the Australian Code for the Transport…[Read More]

Draft Code for the land transport of Dangerous Goods Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement: Comment sought

The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released the Draft Code for the land transport of Dangerous Goods Consultation Regulatory Impact…[Read More]

The impacts of proposed introduction of new workplace exposure limits for 9 chemicals: Comment sought

Safe Work Australia is seeking your feedback on the consultation paper – The Impacts analysis of the proposed workplace exposure…[Read More]

IChEMS proposed standards: Comment sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking feedback on the proposed IChEMS standards on…[Read More]

Industrial Chemicals Environment Protection Policy

The SA Government has published in the SA Government Gazette giving notice of the intention to prepare a draft environment…[Read More]

Australia’s National Inventory Report 2022

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has released the Australia’s National Inventory Report 2022 which…[Read More]

No excuse for breaching Dangerous Goods storage and handling requirements say EPA

On 2 February, a Distribution & Warehousing Specialists who is licensed to handle dangerous goods in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs was…[Read More]

Latest National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data for 2022-23: Released

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has released Australia’s latest National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data…[Read More]

Proposed Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard (IChEMS) decisions on internationally recognised chemicals of concern, and lower-concern chemicals: Comment sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking feedback on proposed standards under the Industrial Chemicals…[Read More]

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