NEW GUIDELINE: Identification, reporting and classification of contaminated sites in WA

The WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has released an updated Guideline on Identification, Reporting and Classification of Contaminated…[Read More]

EPA Victoria’s hi-tech drones detect pollution

EPA Victoria is sending a clear warning to businesses that they will use their hi-tech drones to detect pollution incidents…[Read More]

Changes to NSW EPA cost recovery and site auditor fees

On 1 September of each year, under the Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2022, NSW EPA sets out revised site auditor…[Read More]

Updated information on managing asbestos on contaminated sites

NSW EPA is providing updated information on managing asbestos contaminated sites.  NSW EPA has not changed the way they assess…[Read More]

Site Auditors exempt from Automatic Mutual Recognition

NSW Government has exempted contaminated land site auditor accreditation from the automatic mutual recognition (AMR) scheme for 5 years, until…[Read More]

Review on NSW Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS) Regulation

NSW EPA is undertaking its periodic review of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2019…[Read More]

Why soil test your farm: Fact sheet released

The WA Government has released a fact sheet on why soil testing should be undertaken on farms.   Soil is one of…[Read More]

Technical Reports on soil arsenic concentrates in Bendigo area

EPA Victoria has released the –Technical Reports Investigating soil arsenic concentrations across Bendigo and theTechnical Report on Arsenic bioaccessibility in…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Exempt waste – Earth contaminated with a hazardous contaminant

The QLD Government has released a new guideline – Exempt waste – Earth contaminated with a hazardous contaminant to assist…[Read More]

Updated Soil Sampling for Waste Soils Guidance: Comment sought

EPA Victoria seeks your feedback on the updated guidance relating to soil sampling for waste soils.If you manage, control or…[Read More]

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