Federal News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Australia Government declares an area in Southern Ocean as offshore wind zone

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has announced that the Australian Government declared an…[Read More]

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions for Sept 2023 quarter: Released

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has released the latest Quarterly Update of Australia’s…[Read More]

New accreditation body for solar installers and designers announced

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has approved Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) as the new installer and designer accreditation scheme operator…[Read More]

Australia’s New Nature Positive Laws

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is working to enhance Australia’s environmental laws to better…[Read More]

Clean Energy Regulator commences work on Nature Repair Market

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) is working closely with the Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water…[Read More]

2024 Renewable Power Percentage and Small-scale Technology Percentage: Now set

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has announced that the 2024 renewable power percentage (RPP) and small-scale technology percentage (STP) has been set by legislative…[Read More]

Large-scale Renewable Energy Target market data for January 2024: Released

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target market data for January 2024.Highlights include:9.6 MW of capacity…[Read More]

Expanding your knowledge of climate change risk and opportunities

The Federal Government has released the Approach to Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in the Public Sector 2024–2026 that aims to develop…[Read More]

Interim National Action List for Offshore Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: Released

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has released the Interim National Action List for offshore…[Read More]

New Solar Consumer Guide for rooftop solar and batteries: Released

The Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has launched the Solar Consumer Guide to help households and small…[Read More]

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